The Music Machine: Good Vibrations, Radio Station Launch Songs

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Hi to all

I’ll be live from South Wales to present the Music Machine today at 7 PM UK time, 2 PM US Eastern, featuring songs which launched radio stations in the UK.

The launch of a radio station here in britain was perhaps more important than it is now, but many people remember the first song to be played on their local station. Some reflect the geography of the area, others have a celebratory feel. but they're all good songs to hear, and that's what we're focusing on in this edition of the music machine, good vibrations, radio station launch songs.

You’ll hear some archive clips of the stations, and in one case, how some of the jingles were made. We’ll go back to 1964 through to 1997. Do you remember a particular radio station launching in the UK? If you launched a station, which song do you feel would set the mood for its opening?

I look forward to being with you later on today.

Brian Hartgen